Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Second day of sadness and I have plenty of visitors...

It's only the 2nd day not having him around. And I'm feeling really sad and missing him so dearly. Trying to stay strong but I realised that it's very difficult to do so. I guess I must keep myself busy doing all sorts of things trying not to think too much of being away from him. I'm still feeling a little unwell with all the unwelcoming friends visiting me named Flu and Sore Throat. And they brought another close friend of theirs Cough too. Trying to get rid of them but they seem to be quite stubborn just like me. I need Panadol to tell them off so that they will stay away from me. Hopefully Fever got lost on his way to visit me. But Aches definitely found his way to me. Alright, I guess I should stop with all these crap. Think I better go get some rest before Giddiness attacks me..

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